The Project

PROMOVAX Partnership

Nofer institute of Occupational Medicine, Poland

Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (NIOM) was established in 1954. The primary task of the Institute is to conduct research and development activities and provide expertise on health hazards arising from occupational and environmental exposure to noxious agents. The multidisciplinary nature of the research performed at NIOM makes it possible to solve complex problems of the work environment and workers health. The Institute has collaborated with WHO acting since 1976 as the Collaborating Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health and it has also maintained links with many international institutions: ICOH, MEDICHEM, IARC, EUROTOX, ACGIH, EUPHA, ASPHER, EASOM, IUPAC. The Institute has a long tradition of co-operating with some of American scientific institutions (e.g. the University of Iowa, the University of New York at Albany, National Cancer Institute). NIOM is classified by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a First Class scientific institution. The scope of NIOM΄s research was gradually evolving from classical occupational medicine towards occupational and environmental epidemiology and risk assessment. NIOM has substantial experience in coordinating of large FP7 projects (ECNIS, DIEPHY) and Public Health (DRAGONFLY).

Presently, NIOM provides background research and expertise to the Ministry of Health and serves as an advisory body to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and numerous governmental agencies, including State Sanitary Inspectorate and State Labour Inspectorate, and also to local administration, trade unions and industry. It promotes healthy lifestyles among Polish workers with the main goal of improving the quality of life and having a positive impact on workers΄ health, work environment and work capability. It has been involved in post-graduate training, editorial activities, and regulatory activities with respect to occupational safety and health and environmental health hazards.

Contact details:
Piotr Sakowski
Pracownia Organizacji i Zarządzania w Opiece Zdrowotnej
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera
ul. Sw. Teresy 8, 91-348 Lodz, Poland
Τel.: +48 42 6314 676

The PROMOVAX Project has received funding from the European Union / DG Health and Consumer Protection.
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