PROMOVAX Partnership
University of Milan, Italy
The Department of Occupational Health of the University of Milan has a broad experience in collaborative research projects in the field of occupational and environmental health. At the San Paolo Hospital, the International Centre for Rural Health acts - at the local, national and international level - as a reference point for the several aspects related to the link between agriculture and health, with a particular attention for agricultural workers. In this frame, it is being currently carried out an experience of primary health care provision to agricultural workers, addressed at the creation of a pilot experience of Basic Occupational Health Services. Weak and hyper susceptible groups are addressed by specific plans. Selected information about migrant and seasonal workers with particular regard to access to primary health care and immunization policies have been collected and are currently under elaboration. Vaccination strategies has been specifically addressed in the document “Guidelines for Health Surveillance of Agricultural Workers” prepared by the Centre and recently approved and adopted by the Region of Lombardy.
The multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work is the main feature of the International Centre for Rural Health where occupational health physician, veterinarian, agronomist, biologist, epidemiologist collaborate towards a common objective: the health and safety at work, with particular attention to rural settings, in accordance with the WHO programme “Healthy Village”.
Main areas of activity are:
• Risk Assessment
• Health Surveillance and Health Promotion at the workplace
• Consultancy service at the Regional, National and International level in the field of Occupational Health
• Research and Teaching activities in the field of Occupational Health
Contact details:
Chiara Somaruga, MD
University of Milan -Department of Occupational Health
International centre for Rural Health
San Paolo University Hospital
Via Di Rudinì 8 Milano
Τel.: +39 (02) 81843466