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ISSUE 5, March 2013 www.promovax.eu
PROMOVAX is a 3-year EU-funded project (2010-2013) aiming to promote immunizations among migrant populations in Europe.
In this issue:

The PROMOVAX consortium is currently producing immunization educational material for migrants and a toolkit for health care workers, providing immunizations to migrants. You can find a brief description of the developed materials in this newsletter.

As part of our efforts to present relevant projects and initiatives you can learn more about one of the migrant immunization best practices identified and evaluated in Germany, during the 2nd workpackage of the PROMOVAX project.
Immunization educational material for migrants and the toolkit for health care workers

In order to produce an effective and relevant to the target group’s needs material, the PROMOVAX consortium researched reasons of under-immunization among migrant groups at the migrant and at the provider level. The main sources used for this work were the analysis of the PROMOVAX WP4 report as well as other published literature. Additionally, similar material that has been used in other projects, particularly projects included in the best practices identified during the PROMOVAX WP5, were identified and reviewed.

In March 2012, during the experts’ and partners’ meeting that took place in Athens, Greece, the PROMOVAX consortium along with the invited experts, after having reviewed the results of the above described research decided on the content of the educational material for migrants and the health worker toolkit.

Subsequently, the PROMOVAX associated partners were divided in two working groups: the Migrant Educational Material Working Group and the Health Worker Toolkit Working Group. Each partner was assigned with the production of specific topics with the leader partner, Prolepsis, being ultimately responsible for the final content, language and graphics development. The developed (draft) material was then presented to experts in the field of health communication, migrant health, public health and vaccinations, in addition to health workers providing for migrant, cultural mediators and migrant representatives during the EU workshop that took place on June 27th - 28th in Brussels.

With the input of all associated and collaborating partners as well as the projects’ target groups the material was finalized and translated. The Migrant Educational Material was translated into 11 selected migrant spoken languages and the Health Worker Toolkit was translated into the 7 languages spoken by the consortium of the projects partners.

The immunization educational material for migrants and the toolkit for health care workers are available through the projects’ website in the following link:

Roma - Consultation Hour in the Municipal Health Office of Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

In the region of Frankfurt Rhein-Main, there currently live approximately 2000 Roma and Sinti migrants, with the majority of them having migrated from eastern European states.

For some years now, the health office of Frankfurt am Main is offering weekly consultations for Roma migrants and refugees. The office provides medical counselling and treatment free of charge while respecting the anonymity of their patients. Ever since the consultation hour was established in 1997, it has been offered every Wednesday between 2 and 6 pm in the local health office. The staff consists of a Romanian-speaking doctor, hired as an external temporary employee and medical professionals (paediatricians, nurses) working for the Municipal Health Office.

In addition to medical counselling, the patients are provided with free of charge medication that is paid for from the budget of the city Frankfurt am Main.

Other supportive services, such as day-care-centre are provided as well. The day-care centre "Schaworall" exists since 1996 and specifically targets Roma families focusing on the identity, culture, history and traditions of Roma. They successfully cooperate with the medical service for children of the Municipal Health Office, which provides preventive medical services. One example of their successful work is the realisation of vaccinations in cooperation with parents, children and the physicians.

For greater detail, please visit the following links:

5th Partners Meeting

The 5th and last Partners meeting of the PROMOVAX group will take place in Rome, Italy.

3rd International Strategy Conference on Occupational Health and Safety: Networking as a driving force for a culture of prevention, 6 - 8 February 2013, DGUV Congress Dresden, Germany Prof. Istvan Szilard made the presentation titled: PROMOVAX Europe – Migrants Vaccination, on behalf of the consortium

Prolepsis presented PROMOVAX at the «Childhood immunization: Progress, challenges and priorities for further action Conference», which was held by the European Commission in Luxembourg on the 16th & 17th of October 2012. You can find more information by following this link:
and you can access PROMOVAX presentation at:

Prolepsis presented PROMOVAX at the EAHC press conference 2012: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO BE VACCINATED? Lessons learned from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. You can find more information as well as the powerpoint & poster presentation by following this link:

PROMOVAX Partnership

The PROMOVAX partnership comprises of 11 Associated Partners from 8 countries and 12 Collaborating Partners from 11 countries.

Main Partner:

• Institute of Preventive Medicine, Environmental and Occupational Health, Prolepsis – Greece
Associated Partners:

• Technische Universität Dresden – Germany
• Universitá degli Studi di Sassari – Italy
• The SINTEF Foundation – Norway
• Nofer institute of Occupational Medicine – Poland
• University of Zagreb, Medical School – Croatia
• RUBSI – Research Unit in Behaviour and Social Issues – Cyprus
• University of Pécs – Hungary
• Universitá degli Studi di Milano – Italy
• Istituto Superiore di Sanitá – Italy
• Cyprus University of Technology – Cyprus
Collaborating Partners:

• Public Health Institute – Albania
• Baskent University – Turkey
• Hospital de Sabadell. Consorci Hospitalarai Parc Tauli'. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona – Spain
• Institute of Occupational Health – Serbia
• WHO/Europe Occupational Health – Germany
• WHO/Europe Communicable Disease Units – Denmark
• Alpert Medical School of Brown University – USA
• International Organization for Migration (IOM), Migration Health Division (MHD) – Belgium
• Institute of Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine and Public Health – Greece
• National School of Health. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Ministry of Science and Innovation – Spain
• European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) – Sweden
• National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCIPD) – Bulgaria
PROMOVAX © 2013  |  www.promovax.eu

For more information on the project please visit the website: www.promovax.eu
or contact the Project Management Team:
Eleni Patrozou M.D., e.patrozou@prolepsis.gr or Dina Zota MSc, d.zota@prolepsis.gr