The Project

PROMOVAX Partnership

RUBSI – Research Unit in Behaviour and Social Issues, Cyprus

RUBSI was registered officially in Nicosia, Cyprus in November 2005 as an Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisation, under the name “Research Unit in Behaviour & Social Issues” with the Register of Companies (Certificate No: HE 168763).

RUBSI’s basic activity development axis is research in fields related to the social aspects of health, individual and collective behaviour and of political – social phenomena in general.

Indicatively, RUBSI focuses on the following:

• The conduct of scientific studies and research on the social aspects of health
• The support of the relevant government departments, organizations and bodies in general, with the conduct of assigned studies and research projects for the investigation of sociological issues, health problems and political – social phenomena.
• The raising of awareness, the education, and training of individuals, groups, bodies and organizations on RUBSI’s research interests.
• Based on research findings, the undertaking of initiatives for the promotion of the acceptance of diversity in special multicultural environments
• The planning, realization, supervision and evaluation of programs aiming at achieving smooth political-social balances and support of public health.
• The creation and function of pilot institutions that support and promote understanding and improvement of political-social situations and of the social aspects of public health.

Contact Details:
Dr Constantinos N. Phellas
Executive Director, RUBSI

46 Makedonitissas Ave.
P.O. Box 24005, Nicosia,Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22841692, Fax: +357 22351887

The PROMOVAX Project has received funding from the European Union / DG Health and Consumer Protection.
The European Commission and the Executive Agency are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained on this website.